Snoring can cause a lot of problems for the people who hear it and those close to them. It can lead to poor concentration, mood swings, relationship tension and even health problems. It can be a sign of obstructive how to stop snoring, which is serious and needs to be addressed. It can be difficult for people to stop snoring, but there are some simple steps that can help. They include making lifestyle changes, using a device or getting treatment for obstructive sleep apnea.
Most snorers snore because their throat tissue is vibrating when they breathe, which makes a loud sound. If your snoring is caused by throat tissues that are relaxed or because of narrow airways it can be helped by changing your sleeping position or adding more pillows. For those who snore while on their back, you can try a special wedge-shaped pillow designed to keep the neck in an elevated position. It’s also important to avoid drinking alcohol a few hours before bedtime and to quit smoking, both of which relax the muscles in the throat and contribute to snoring.
If your snoring is due to a blocked or narrow nose you can use nasal strips, which are available in most pharmacies and grocery stores. These strips lift the upper palate of the nose and open up the nostrils, which helps to prevent snoring. A neti pot that allows you to rinse your nose with a salt-water solution can also help.
Losing weight and exercising are other ways to combat snoring by keeping the throat and chest toned. Being overweight can lead to fatty tissue and a narrow throat, which contributes to snoring. Being out of shape can also lead to snoring because it doesn’t tone the muscles in the throat and neck. Taking medications such as antidepressants and painkillers can also contribute to snoring.
Some snoring is simply because of how you were built, with men having narrower throats than women and some physical attributes like a cleft palate or enlarged adenoids being hereditary. However, if you have a family history of snoring it is worth getting checked out by a doctor.
It’s important to remember that your snoring isn’t your partner’s fault, so try to handle any frustration with the issue in a calm and thoughtful manner. If you can focus on how to solve the problem together then it will be easier for both of you to get better sleep and enjoy your relationship. You can also ask a doctor for a referral to a sleep specialist to see what’s causing your snoring and if it’s a sign of something more serious. They can recommend treatments that will help you and your partner get a better night’s sleep. Sleep Cycle is a great app to help you track snoring patterns and learn what works for you. It’s not easy to change old habits, but knowing what works for you and your partner can help you find a solution quickly.